Monday, October 23, 2006

Away to Dortmund and back again!

Well what a weekend! Left early Friday morning on the 09:08 Inter-City-Express to Dortmund. Nearly didn't make it, forgot my Bahncard (discount ticket card) and had to do back for it, good job I went to Dresden station an hour early in order to then go shopping in town for food for the trip. The forgetting of the Bahncard meant I had to buy food for the trip in the more expensive station shop in order to avoid going hungry or paying the extortionate Bord-Bistro prices. Yeah I know sound like a fat bastard, saying all this about food, but it was a six hour train journey, I didn't have any breakfast, as it turned out I wouldn't have any tea, so a reasonable lunch at a less-than extortionate price was important. Train journey went well without any problems for once, and I got to Dresden on time.

Andy's bandmate picked me up at the station and we drove to the gig venue. His band temple of twilight was playing in a town called Kleve near the Dutch border. Was a great concert and a great time was had by all. Andy's friends and people connected to his bands are all pretty cool, and it was all rather fun. I even bought the band's two EP's which gave the train journey home a little more variety on the music front.

Saturday consisted of me (and Andy) lounging around in bed til mid-afternoon. Having said that Andy get up earlier than me (well there's a first for everything), but what you gonna do when the rock legend that is Andy puts you up in such a comfortable bed as he did, what a guy! We then went into Dortmund city centre and had a mosey around. Andy took me to his favourite sausage take-away type place, and we had curry-wurst with chips, yum! We then went to like the best ice-cream palour I've been to in a while, 6 scoops with chocolate sauce, mmmmmm!

After doing some brief shopping, most of the rest of the day was spent drinking. We went first to an Irish bar for some cheap (well by German standards) cider, before moving onto a rock bar. Then we went to another bar for cheap vodka redbull, as well as some playing of pool and table-football. Then was off some curry, before heading into a club called spirit, where the drinks were cheap between 11 and midnight, we met up with some of Andy's mates, and a fun time was had by all and sundry, even if you ignore the old drunk Englishman who kept on taking to me. Also this club is the first one I have ever been to where you don't pay for your drinks at the bar. That's right ladies and gentlemen, they marked it on my card what i'd spent, and I then paid on departure, weird, but I suppose has its advantages, must do they wouldn't do it otherwise.

There's not much else to tell really, left Sunday afternoon got back here, learnt of Liverpool's awful defeat away at the scum and Wigan's brilliant win against Man Shity, but hey you can't have em all. Great weekend, Andy's a lege, (Liverpool are crap).



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo dude we had this card-marking for buying drinks in a nightclub back in the glorious Meck-Pom Grosser Grenzverkehr shindig. The logic is it's quicker, you don't need loads of change to give to customers at every bar, you don't end up with a wallet full of coins, and the cash-handling can be done in a secure place i.e. near the door with bullet-proof windows and door staff on hand. Course the downside is you can realise you have not enough money at the end of the night. Also I worked out if you got your entire card stamped it was cheaper to lose it and pay the forfeit of like 40 euros. Have to drink a lot to make it worth it though.

4:22 PM  

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