Thursday, January 04, 2007

The run into Christmas

It's been such a long time since my last post, but what can I say I was a very busy bee before the christmas break, and during it in as well, so I will get right to it, and probably post this in multiple posts. Since my last post I did a number of things even before the holidays started, there were still two weeks to go at that point. My last full week at school before the holidays was also my first week with my new timetable in full swing. I was kept quite busy, doing more lessons, and doing more in each lesson meant more preparation, I was kept busy, but that's the way I like it.

If I thought the penultimate week was busy, the last week was even more jam-packed. It started with a trip up to Schleswig-Holstein to see Josh Miller, the old mucker that he is. The journey there and back was unremarkable, but the rest of the weekend was damn good. Living north of Hamburg took a little while, but was good to see him in the lovely town of Uetersen, having said that I didn't see much of it. Friday consisted of getting there, eating and drinking at his, then going out for a quick drink.

Saturday we went into Hamburg, met up with a few people he knows there, mainly English people on a year abroad like ourselves, good to see Alex McDermott again, and Josh only once caused major embarrassment to all present. We looked round some of Hamburg, and went on a ferry on the river, and were out on deck for the first part, even though it was über cold, That night we went to a party, and then out on the Raperbahn, the biggest red light district in Europe. And no before anybody asks, I didn't get a prostitute or go to a strip club, we just went to a cheesy club. I then travelled home very sleepily on the Sunday.

The last school week followed with copious Christmas lessons, me taking lessons on my own, and generally doing loads (or so it seemed). Social engagements were also numerous. Drink with my housemate on Monday, Tuesday meeting of language assistants at the Regionalschulamt (where I learnt I may be teaching teachers on the side this term, could have told me earlier! I know I said I would like to like!).

Wednesday was brilliant, after school finished I hung around before the start of the teachers' end of year do. We started by having a visit of the watch/clock museum in Glashütte, before having Kaffee and Küchen, and then going for our meal. Secret Santa gifts were distributed, by Father Christmas (or should that be Mother Christmas, seeing as it was obviously a female). I gave my scret person a teapot with the underneathy bit to keep it warm. I got a t-shirt of the school from all the staff, a DVD from my mentor teacher, as well as a box of gifts from my secret santa, who I learnt was the dinner lady, it included deoderant, chocolate, a Dynamo Dresden t-shirt and a calender. I was a very lucky and grateful boy.

Thursday I chilled, then went Christmas shopping, bought 4 kilos of Stolen, Liebkuchen, wine and beer to take back. I then met up with some mates from German language class for drinks at a flat, just the four of us. I then went to bed very late after packing, but still managed to get up in time to get the bus to the train station. But the journey home is another story....



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