Gone Missing
Well where have I got to over the past two or three days? The answer is nowhere, I just haven't posted! Since the last post, I did a bit of shopping on Wednesday, well not really because I did not actually buy anything, because even when it is birthday money I feel bad spending it! Thursday was German lesson, followed by a very unproductive afternoon, though at least I decided broadly on potential topics for my year-abroad essay. Then over the weekend uni-mate and former housemate Josh Miller was in town with other language assistants out of Schleswig-Hollstein. Spent Friday and Saturday with them in town, pretty fun, and also all went out Saturday night when we all met up with all the Dresden assistants, most of whom I'd not seen in a couple of weeks! Got back here at 3am (that's after clocks going back) worse for wear, especially since I also went out with my housemate on Friday, need sleep, but I am going to have to get up tomorrow. Today I did a lesson plan for school, on school uniforms, could be fun, apart from that i have generally got that Sunday feeling for the first time since being in Germany, rats. Ah well it'll soon be Christmas....
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