Thursday, January 04, 2007

My Return to Blighty and back again

Well as it happened my journey back to Britain wasn't all that bad. Granted it was 16 hours or so on the train, but nothing really went wrong, got all the connections, and travelling with Allison actually made it enjoyable. However, leaving home in Bannewitz at around 06:50, and arriving at home in Skem at around 23:30 is not for the faint hearted.

My first day back was spent meeting up with Phil Patterson in Wigan for a drink and a chat in the afternoon (I had a deserved lie-in in the morning), before going out for a meal with the Pabroldians for a meal that evening. The meal was good, we pretty much drank a bottle of wine each, and rounded off the night with three different double malt whiskeys, and then stumbling back to Kev Heaton's to play cards.

Christmas Eve was quiet, I relaxed and chilled, stayed at home so my parents actually saw me during the stay. Christmas Day was the usual rush of anticipation in the morning, followed by present-opening and Christmas Dinner before relaxing during the afternoon. I got some good stuff, jeans, shirt, gloves, money, books, all very nice and very useful! I was naturally very pleased. I think my parents enjoyed the stolen and wine I got them among other things. Watched tv that evening, and Christmas Day was also one of the few days last year when I did not go on the internet, yay me! I am not totally addicted! Strangely I didn't feel completely gorged and drunk, maybe I am learning moderation, yeah right! Boxing Day was also quiet although I did go Will Weingart's in the evening, for some hardcore gaming, apart from the fact we couldn't get Birth of the Federation to work.

Then followed my visit to Brum. It started badly, good job it didn't finish that way. I nearly missed the train, in fact had it not been a minute late, and a lot of people getting on, I would have missed it. Granted I was slightly unlucky that the ticket machine wouldn't work and that there was a queue at the ticket office, but that's no excuse, I stayed in bed an hour longer than I should have, hence the rush. Twas good to see Steven Becky and Chris, and trips to the Balti Triangle and a cafe, as well as Becky/Steven cooked food also went down a treat. Although watching Donnie Darko on DVD did freak me out a bit, although if a film doesn't make you think it's not really worth watching.

And then suddenly it was time to return to the north, I met up with the ex-Winstanley lot in the pub immediately after getting off the train, which was also good and fun. The next few days was spent with both brothers visiting with their famillies, was also good to see them, as well as another meet-up with Phil Patterson, this time accompanied with his other half back over from the states. Good to see him again and her, the best chips in the north (from Mr Chips in Wigan) were consumed, as was alcohol.

And then suddenly it was time to go again. Having to get up so early on the second day of the new year was painful but needs must. The train journey was ok, not too painful, thought it would be worse, was sure we'd miss a connection, they were all 20 minutes or 10 minutes, but no we managed it no problems.

My first day back at school was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be, both in terms of being back after Christmas, and also because tiredness having only slept 10 hours over 2 nights, but again was all good. Nice to see all the teachers again, much more relaxed after the Christmas break, and not as stressed out. (I wonder how long that will last ;-)) Today I went to my German language class, and then came back, and started doing some work for my History year Abroad Essay, it's about time!

And that pretty much brings us right up to date! Thank you to all those who made my Christmas stay so wonderful, despite it's brief nature, sorry to those I didn't manage to see much or at all, I will see you again at some point I promise! Apologies for the long-winded nature of this post, but there was lots to say! Toodle pip!



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