Thursday, January 04, 2007

Review of 2006

Didn't get a chance to do this in the other two posts, cos well they were too damn long as it was. But here it is, in the best conventional tradition, my look back at 2006 and resolutions and looking forward to 2007.

2006 was all in all a very good year. For the first year since 2001 I did not attend the funeral of a classmate or family member (I was just really unlucky 2002-2005 in that respect). Granted things weren't always going perfectly during the early months, but as the second half of my second year at uni it was all in all pretty damn good. I had some wonderful times with P&P, the German Comedy night and numerous other things with friends and aquiantences . My second year of uni was definately the best acedemic year yet, and the 2006 part of that was what made it really good. The last 2 or 3 weeks in June after exams really stand out as high points!

I had a wonderful trip round Europe on the train, some smashing places were seen and cultures sampled. It is something I will definately do again. The rest of the summer were not the most productive I'll admit, but it was not all of my own doing, only being around for 6 weeks was always going to limit my job prospects among other things. My start in Germany was not easy, but it was interesting and enjoyable, and made easier by my fantastic mentor teacher.

So yeah all in all, more of the same next year please Julien!



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