Friday, March 16, 2007

Return of the Blog! The Blog Returns! The blog hath returndeth! (How many more ways can I say this?)

I bet you all thought (Well the sum total of half a dozen people who read this blog, and that was in its heyday!) that I had given up on this little barrel of fun. Well you'd be wrong, I got a little distracted by what I felt was a quite busy last two months, and this kind of got, well, neglected somewhat. I was never good at keeping a diary when I was younger, in fact I was that bad that I never kept one! (Apart from a year 6 project, which I may have if I remember correctly). But anyway the important thing is it's back and it's back to stay although I can't promise it's going to be less irregular and intermittent than it has been!. I may or may not make numerous posts tonight, but whatever I end-up doing, happy reading!



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