Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Another weekend, and another tip away! Well I say weekend trip away, was more half a weekend trip away, but never mind. I spent most of Friday afternoon tidying the kitchen, rather than doing uni work, but never mind. Place needed a little bit of a scrub, although I don't agree with those who say the place was dirty. Anyhow Saturday afternoon, after dossing about a bit, I got the regional trains to Berlin. Change at Elsterwerda, took an extra hour and a quarter on top of the usual 2 hours by Euro-City, so 7 euros well saved. Didn't bother saving money on the return, because my monthly pass was no longer valid and I therefore would have saved but 2 euros, absolutely pointless.

Arrived in Berlin and met up with Enrico, managed to forgive him for being nearly an hour late, wasn't really his fault, his thing overran. Went for a cheeky beer, before meeting up with Tara for tea. Nice little arabic place near Kottbusser Tor, recommend it, recommend that area all round, seemed to have a lot of cheap little restaurants. Then it was off to a bar, even with my big rucksack. The bar was cool even with my big rucksack, although the drink prices were not. At 3 euros 80 a beer it was worse than Munich (and I didn't think I would be saying that in a hurry!) An enjoyable chilled out night was had, before me and Enrico headed back to his.

Sunday got up at around midday, and rushed for the bathroom, determined for no-one to see me before I'd washed and managed to get my hair in order, failed miserably, Enrico's sister saw me, (Enrico was out getting bread rolls, which he didn't manage because bakery was closed). Had a chilled out breakfast, before going out to the stasi prison museum near where Enrico lives in Hohenschonhausen. Was very interesting, tour guide was a former inmate, as they all are, which made the tour quite personal. I will write a more detailed blog about the whole thing at a later date.

Me and Enrico then went into the city centre, and bummed around, had a drink read the paper, just a generally chilled out afternoon. Before meeting up again with his sister, on the promise that I would speak English for her to practice (I'd already corrected her French homework!). Even though she was of a similar age to some of my pupils, being at a Gymnasium, meant her level was better. She does Spanish as well as English and French, a real linguistical talent.

Evening was chilled out back at Enricos, glass of wine, a film, all very nice. On Monday we got up slightly earlier, me and Enrico bummed around the city centre a bit more before I got the train home, school work awaiting. One of the most chilled out weekends away I have had, and it reminded me how much I love Berlin, the lovely 25+ sunshine helped as well no doubt. ;-)



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