Friday, May 18, 2007

Munchkin Munich!

It was with great anticipation that I travelled down to Munich on the train last weekend. The first weekend where I had three days off (Saturday to Monday) now that teaching teachers had finished, and I was determined to use them well. Left on friday evening, travelling down to Munich by regional train, adding only 45 minutes to our journey but saving us over 50 euros. And seeing as a large part of the journey is by regional train anyway, it was hardly going to be much of a loss. Arrived late Friday night went to our hostel, which was easier to find than I had anticipated. We had a drink in the hostel bar (had to be done, had to be done) before going off to bed.

I got woken up by Louise at some ungodly hour of the morning (7 or something) who herself had been woken up by some dick in the room who'd set his alarm, waking everybody up, then had the cheek to stay in bed! Nevermind, we eventually all got up had a smashing breakfast and went off to meet Morven. After reunifying at the station, we went round the city centre looking at the sites and sounds. Lunch was had in the vituelenmarkt, nice, if slightly pricey, followed by ice cream sundaes, again nice if slightly pricey. Went off to the Olympia park after lunch, which included a climb up the big tower, and a ride on the pedal boats. Back into Munich for tea, before going to a scottish society for some celiah dancing. Had never done this before, and had moaned like hell beforehand about doing it, partly to wind the others up. But it turned out to be ok, and it turned out that I could do it to a level so as not to be too embarrassing to myself or others. Although doing it in trainers made my feet hurt.

Sunday we met up with Morven again and walked round the city and the Englischer Garten. Was also a nice day, and fun was had. Afternoon dribbled away, and we went to see a funny film about this German dude who was a bit of a tosser, espcially to women, was very funny! The evening meal, again at the same Bier Keller (mmmmm Munich Bier Kellers mmmmm). Off for another drink before going back to the hostel again.

Monday we got up a bit earlier, dumped our bags at the station, went to the Deutsches Museum, which was very interesting, especially the super-douper model railway they had. Before going home. Thankfully Morven just made it to the station to say goodbye to us! Yay! The journey home was again fun-filled with work, but twas all good, apart from the massive rain-hail-thunderstorm when we arrived back in Dresden, ah well can't have it all I suppose!



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