Friday, April 06, 2007

The holidays arrive, Morven returns, and I get some work done!

The week started with another reasonably successful teaching of teachers, proceeded as it was by some research in the university library, which brought to a conclusion my work with one of my primary sources. Yippeee, writing time for my history essay comes ever closer. We were also told that we should be getting paid after the Easter holidays, another bonus, seems to be that we're going to paid the full amount, despite us doing it together, we shall see!

Tuesday I went to school, it was Projektwoche at the school this week and with the projects already well under way on the Monday, I was largely left to my own devices, to go round and enjoy the various projects. Was fun, again you see another side to the school, with pupils and teachers allowed to be more relaxed, and that lovely school ethos also making a welcome re-appearance. Everyone coming together and helping and doing fun stuff.

Wednesday was much the same, except I didn't have after-school detention with one of my classes which I had on Tuesday (the bad lesson last Thursday), so once school was over and I had done some final photograph taking and saving on the computer, I was off home to Bannewitz for the the hols! Got back and me and housemate Holger cleaned the bathroom and bin in the kitchen, believe me they both needed doing, especially the bun in the kitchen. Anyway it was all nice and clean, and even before we started despite not having given the bathroom a proper going over since October, it was all still cleaner than the average student dump in Brum!

After my cleaning fetish was over, I went into town and picked up Morven from the station. We then went from a drink in Der Fliegender Hollander (the flying dutchman) in the Weisse Gasse in the Altstadt. Had a couple of drinks there, before moving onto posher place for evening meal. Drink there as well, before ending with a drink in my favourite watering hole; Bärenzwinger. Early finish at 11, and early to bed, good thing to I was shattered and so was Monster Morven!

Thursday went into town, bummed around the Altstadt, had an ice-cream, had lunch before seeing her off at the train station. I then went to the city library to do some more primary research. Spent a good five hours there, good thing too, the library is going to be shut completely over the Easter weekend, including Saturday! Shocking. This all meant that as extra research was going to be limited over the following days, I decided today to start writing my year abroad history essay, yay! Finally, after months of painstaking research (ahem). Might even have finished it before the end of the holidays, we can but hope! Anyway PGF is arriving tomorrow, yay!



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