Thursday, March 22, 2007

March and Prague

And so after elections I settled back down into my normal routine, and it was the month of March. The weather started warming up, and school was getting better and there was a trip to Prague, and all was right with the world. The trip to Prague on the weekend of the 9th March was one of the best weekends I've had in ages.

It started, as all good weekends do on a Friday, after school had finished. I went back from Schmiedeberg to Bannewitz, finished packing, and was on merry way to Dresden Hauptbahnhof. Thought the time was going to be a little tight, but again was no point having any concern. The train was late (as most of them are on that Prague Hamburg route, although it is usually in the other direction). But seeing as it had come from Denmark, maybe that wasn't such a massive surprise. (Nothing against the Danes or their punctuality, it is just the distance that reduces my surprise. Anyway 20 minutes after scheduled departure time Louise, Enrico, Tomek and I were unterwegs.

Arriving in Prague after a fun journey (consisted of me and Louise singing old scout songs), we quickly got to our rooms in our B&B and then left again to meet up with Tom Hall from uni, the lucky bugger has semester holidays from Freiburg and was in Prague too with a friend from Freiburg, Charlie. We then went for a meal, although finding somewhere to eat was harder than expected (it was gone 10), we still found somewhere, even though it was rather posh and expensive (well expensive by Prague standards anyway, still reasonable for us). We then went for a drink in a noisy bar playing crap music, before heading back to our respective hostels for bed.

The next morning the four of us headed over to Vsryhard, which is an old fort near to where we were staying. After taking ages to get back out of the fort again, (I thought forts we supposed to keep people out, not keep people in), we went into the old part of town across the river and up the hill. We looked round the castle and went into the Cathedral, before heading down to the small mini version of the Eiffel Tower they have in Prague, went to the top of that, so we ended up getting two views of the city (having already been up the Cathedral tower). Then it was back down the hill, on the cable car thingy this time, before settling down in a bar for some drink and eventually food. I say in a bar, it was a restaurant that was in a small courtyard, kept warm by patio heaters. pretty cool. After finishing eating we headed back into the town centre. Me, Tom and Charlie went for more drinks in the same bar as the night before (it was playing better music this time!), before saying goodbye as Charlie and Tom were leaving the next day, and going back to hostels for sleep.

Sunday after breakfast the four of us largely bummed about the Jewish quarter and the old town, enjoying the improved weather, it was like Friday again (Saturday had got a bit cooler), before eventually leaving during late afternoon for Dresden. Journey home passed without incident, train was on time even though it had come all the way from Budapest. And we all arrived home knowing we'd had a wonderful in (mostly)n sunny Prague.



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