Friday, March 16, 2007

So just how did I beat the usual post-Christmas down feeling? Also known as January!

Been wondering this myself, when I left Britain on 2nd January I felt my stay in Britain had been rather short, didn't see everyone I wanted to enough, etc etc. I was worried that now I had to get on with school and uni work (especially the latter) that I would be a bit down. Surprisingly (well much to my surprise) the first few days back where nowhere near as painful as I anticipated, in fact they were ok allround, it was around this time that I posted my last blog entries before tonight.

So what happened to the rest of January? Well the highlight of Jan was undoubtedly the ski trip I went on with the school. My mentor teacher had said that there was a possibility I could go on this ski-trip back when I arrived in September, I hoped this was not idle empty promises, and it turned out they weren't. True to their word the school let me go with the year 7s on their ski-trip. The year 7 has three classes, which means for our school that it is by a good country mile the biggest year group(all the other years have either one or two classes). It meant that the ski-trip this year had to be split into two halves. Two classes going in one half, and the other class and the remedial set going in the second week. My mentor teacher had tried to get me on both, but when this wasn't possible, I was put in with the second group. All in all it was a great holiday, I learnt a new sport (while I have been skiing before that was always Alpine, had never done cross country before), got to know the pupils better and got to know the teachers better. As well as having a thoroughly enjoyable, even if I am not ever going to properly master the sport ;-).

After we got back it snowed here in our neck of the woods. This I found quite ironic, seeing as we had had very little snow during our trip to the Czech Republic, and had had to get gondolas up to the top of the mountain every day even for cross country skiing. Seeing as it snowed, and the snow stuck for more than the 12 hours it does in Britain, one of the teachers took me skiing (again cross country) with her the following weekend, near to where she lives. It was a good day, with a mixture of having to trudge through deep snow, as well as being able to push and glide over compacted snow on paths. Met the teacher's family, two lovely little kids and a cool husband. Bit of a sporty family all round, kids so young but easily out-skiing me!

Aside from all this January consisted of breaking my new year's resolutions, and spending waaaay to much time on msn and facebook, but what the hell. Also managed to get moving and my essay, so January wasn't all bad all in all!



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