Sunday, March 18, 2007

To February and beyond

Well February started with election preparation, nomination form got handed in and suchlike. (More about election claptrap in another post). Although the first thing of note might have actually been the open evening at the school. But my memory is not brilliant when posting about this weeks later. The opening evening was very much a success I think, although it made it a very long day for me at the school, was there from 8am to 9pm, although I did stay extra for the musical, and to help tidy up. The school ethos was present again in droves, especially as we all helped to take the stage down in the gym after the musical had finished.

The school term continued on its unstoppable course until a two-week holiday appeared on the horizon. Well I say holiday, but I use the term extremely loosely. I spent the first week doing work for my essay, and recovering a cold I had the previous week. The second travelling to and from and being in Birmingham for elections (again more in a later post). After I got back and a week had passed and elections were over it was March. And that my friends is a whole other story....



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