Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nearly the holidays and 76.84!

Well the last three days of school passed without major incident, well barring one lesson on Thursday, but less said about that the better. School timetable did go rather chaotic in the last couple of days, because seven teachers were like ill or on training, or skiving (only joking, they're all a lovely hard-working bunch). Emailed Brum uni German Department about change of topic, year abroad tutors seem ok with it, tis up to my supervisor now!

Friday was cool, got to help teacher with marking the presentations in the first lesson, then a double lesson with the cute class 5s, fun and easy as always, even if the poor darlings are still rather confused as to how to tell the time in English, quarter to, quarter past and half past caused problems, cos telling the time is the other way round in Saxony. You say quarter-one meaning quarter past twelve, and three-quarter one means quarter to one, while half one means in fact half past twelve in English, yes you're confused, imagine how the kids felt! Class 10 was some fun speaking games for the last 20 minutes, (thank you Matt Sheeler for those ideas, they worked rather well, well as well as any ideas do work with class 10!

Friday night I went for a meal and drink with the teachers and parents of the ski trip back in January. The idea was for every adult to turn up, in the end only seven did, including myself. However, fun was still had, lovely and cheap food (but what would you expect from a village Bierkeller!), was followed by showing the photos of the ski-trip, on a big screen (kindly drilled into place on the overhead beam by the Bierkeller staff) using a beamer and a laptop. Good photos, good memories! After the meal and four beers (well four for me), we headed home, a very enjoyable night!

Today was spent a little bit in the library looking at old newspaper articles as part of my research, and generally mooching around Dresden and chilling here. Next week at school is only project days so nothing to prepare, and it is only Monday (when I am not there anyway) Tuesday and Wednesday, cos as of Thursday it is the holidays. Highlights of holidays could and probably will include, a visit by the legendary Morven, a visit by the lovely PGF (Parental Governing Force), and a visit to Freiburg to see Tom Hall, as well as a bit of uni work. Should be good, here's to the rest of the working term, and the up and coming holidays!

Oh yes and that leaves me with the number that's in the post title. 76.84, it's the cost of this month's phone bill. Yes that's right 76 euros and 84 cents. That's nearly half as much of my monthly rent again, (140) and over three times as much as the normal phone bill, I am paying nearly as much in VAT as my housemate is paying overall! The reason? Well those elections of course! Ringing your campaign manager on his mobile on a daily basis for a week is going to cost, ah well that'll teach me to run an election campaign from abroad, let that be a lesson to you all, campaigning from abroad costs money! Now I wonder if I can claim that cash back from the Guild somehow......



Blogger Unknown said...

let me know if you manage that ;) they are notoriously stingy..

11:33 PM  

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