Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Last Week

Well this brings me right up to doodley doodley date, woohoo! Well it's been an average sort of week, but one that hasn't been overly bad. Started well, with our teachers' lesson on Monday going well, and them enjoying it for a change, although I see a pattern emerging of the odd-week lessons (weeks 1 and 3) not going as well as we'd hoped, and the even numbered weeks going a lot better (weeks 2 and 4), here's hoping tomorrow will buck the trend!

Tuesday at school was rather easy, having only the one lesson, meant things weren't too bad. Wednesday, as always, was rather more taxing, but I managed it still, mission accomplished. Planned next Monday's teaching lesson with Lara on Wednesday afternoon, quietly confident this one is going to be a good'un, but you never know! Thursday unspectacular, apart from the fact the day kind of got wasted school aside. Friday was again a challenge, but the lessons went well and were enjoyable, even though I had to tell class 5 off for the first time ever (the poor little things, they were so shocked!), but the lessons on my own aren't going too badly.

Then onto the weekend of fun! I went out for a little bit of a pub crawl with another language assistant, Louise. Lost track of the bars we went into, or the glasses of wine, beers, and cocktails we drank, but it was still a quality night. Although the wall I threw up on might disagree somewhat. (Hey it doesn't happen often that I throw up on the night in question, heck I rarely throw up at all with alcohol! Well rarely....). Woke up on Saturday fully-clothed, I'd fallen asleep on my bed as soon as I got in (this was more cos I had been up for 22 hours straight than because of the alcohol, honest!). I then wasted most of the day, did 90mins research in the library before going off for a meal at someone's house.

Today I have spent chilling and dossing, because I can without feeling guilty, seeing as the library is shut...Ah well, I'll do some schoolwork eventually! Toodle-pip!



Blogger Unknown said...

I read your little pub crawl bit out to steven and he called you a drunkard ;) mwhaha

we all miss you

p.s. I've got a job handling crabs in Sea Life.. no bad jokes please!

take care xx

12:33 AM  

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