Sunday, March 25, 2007

Last Saturday's Six Nations

God 9 days after re-starting my blog, I am nearly back up to date. Now we're moving onto last weekend, the Friday night (16th) was nothing absolutely special, went out with a few of the language assistants drinking some cocktails, going round the bars, and as usual ending up in Flower Power (cheese central), and as usual I went home before everyone else (still 3am) cos I was shattered.

Saturday did a smattering of work (underline the word smattering), before buggering off to the Irish pub in the evening. Now usually I don't do this in Germany, go to Irish pubs, to watch British/Irish sport and drink drinks that I can drink in Britain (and let's be honest, on the drink front I don't miss the lager sold in Britain one bit), however, occasionally with a big sporting event I do compromise and heave my behind into the Irish pub. Previous occasions have been FA Cup 3rd Round back in January, and also one time in Hamburg when I was with a load of English people. Anyway this was for the last weekend of the six nations rugby.

I arrived just as France scored their last try to take the six nations (gripping stuff) in place of Ireland who'd played the earlier game. All that was left was Wales against England. Match started at a frantic pace, and England were a little sluggish, Wales took full advantage being 15-0 up in 15 minutes, and completely dominated the opening 30 minutes. But they didn't take advantage and before you knew it it was 15-10, before Wales getting another penalty but England striking and it was 18-15 at half time.

I thought Wales had royally fucked it up. And feeling was confirmed as England levelled early in the second half, and for a while it looked as if England were going to win. But they couldn't get in the lead, and after a few penalties and a drop kick Wales were back in the lead 27-18 as the match went into the final seconds. After it finished it was pandamonium and Cardiff, and our pub was quite loud as well ;-). There weren't just Irish people, but Scots, Englishmen, Welshmen, and Germans! I never knew there were so many English-speakers in Dresden. It seemed like every English-speaking ex-pat was there! But what really summed the night up for me was text from my mate Tom at the end about the match and match-winner James Hook, which read "Fucking+Yes, I loves James Hook I do", Amen to that!

The rest of the night involved having a couple of Guinesses, and generally chatting and chilling before I left for home, not a late one for me, not after the previous night anyway!



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