Sunday, March 25, 2007

Now just how are my resolutions doing?

You remember that long post I made about my hopes, dreams, desires and resolutions etc etc. Well I'd thought it would be interesting, nearly three months into the year, to see precisely how many of these damn resolutions have already gone down the proverbial plug hole quicker than a rat up a drain pipe.
  • To go swimming at least once a week. - This never got off the ground, don't know what i was thinking with this one, it'll happen eventually eventually, just don't know when.
  • To try out a new form of exercise during the year. - I actually did this, cross country skiing was actually something I'd never done before, and by the end move myself on the damn things to some extent.
  • To spend a reasonable part of Thursdays (and some Sundays) on my Year Abroad Essays until they are done, as well as any time when I am feeling bored. - Well I have been working more seriously on them then I was before Christmas, and although I am not spending every waking moment when I am not in school on them, I am doing some work on them every week.
  • To worry less about every little thing that happens, to over analyse stuff less and chillax. - I think exec elections apart, I have got better on this front, granted there is plenty of room for improvement.
  • To be more patient and tolerant. - Little improvement here I am afraid, but I have not really been put to the test yet.
  • To procrastinate less, and spend less time on msn, facebook, as well as other net distractions, (whoops what am I doing on here!) . - I am cutting down msn use a little, and I have started to learn how to work without having the computer when it is unnecessary, but still could be a lot better!
  • To be more studious and organised with work. - Some improvement here, but still way off, see above points
  • To be less clumsy in actions and speech. - Not been put to the test here really, but this hasn't changed much to be honest.
So all in all a mixed bag, but not as bad as I thought. Only one thing have I completely ballsed-up, the rest are either still achievable or only partly achieved, but still completely achievable. And I have fulfilled one completely. Although having said that, most of my resolutions are quite vague in terms knowing when you have achieved them, which I suppose one could let me off the hook come December...



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