Monday, May 07, 2007

Teaching Teachers ends on a good'un!

Some of you who are avid readers (or any readers at all) of this blog (so that's all of two of you then), will know that I have been running a Lehrerfortbildung, that's a teacher training course if you translate it, along with another language assistant. However, it was not really a training course as such, we ran it, but it was more of a conversation class and English practice for teachers from the Dresden area.

You'll (that's the two of you again) will have read how I moaned when it didn't go all that well at the beginning, the first and third lessons in particular stand out as problem cases. To be honest we weren't brilliantly sure what we were supposed to be "teaching" at first. We weren't trained training people, heck we're not even trained teachers. What did we know! But after some early blips, when we moaned about the teachers who didn't seem that enthusiastic, and never wanted to talk, things started to improve. We started to get texts that they found interesting, we started getting game speaking exercises that they seemed to enjoy doing, and all in all it started improving.

Today was, in many ways, the icing on the cake. The lesson went very well, and when we looked at the questionnaire sheets, we were pleasantly surprised. Nearly all the participants had ticked good for everything, and when they didn't, they ticked unsatisfactory for the time, the one thing we had less control over. The comments were also nice (with one exception), and it just goes to show that we were much more successful than we thought! :-) Just goes to show, a little effort went a long way! Having said that, I don't regret now having my Monday's off from now on!



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