Wednesday, May 02, 2007

To be stressed or not to be stressed that is the question

Since Easter things have been rather hectic, yours truly has actually been working his little bee-hind off. Between finishing off my history essay, starting (finally) the German one, and of course school work. But fear not boys and girls, I have still managed to have a decent time from time to time. Went out with the assistants couple of nights the weekend before last, which was rather good I must say. Went to a bar called Planwirtschaft in the Neustadt among others, and it is really cool, they have a selection of Saxon beers, as well as a Saxon wheat beer, I didn't think they produced wheat beers outside the southern German states of Bavaria and Baden-Wurtenburg. But you learn something everyday.

The following week essay stress really really reached its climax, sending the damn history essay away last Wednesday by post and email. I then worried all week whether the postal version got there on time, I still don't know if it did. I got an email from Prof Jones, more about him in a later post, today saying he acknowledged reciept. I don't know if this was just for the email version, or both, and if the postal version arrived today (in which case that's five marks lost already), yesterday, or last week! So yes all in all not good.

But apart from that this last week has been ok. Lessons have been going ok, no unmitigated disasters. I started working a bit for the German essay end of last week, and really got going over my four day weekend, being able to finally write my report yesterday, I feel better about this essay already than I did about the History one for the entire time I was doing it, we'll see how long that feeling lasts!

Last Friday was good, went out with Louise and Enrico (who, by the way, has very kindly lent me his online subscription to Der Spiegel), and did a bit of a bar crawl. Ended with me falling asleep in the tram, Louise having to wake me up to get me to get off at the right stop, and falling asleep in the bus, missing my stop by two stops and having to walk an extra 20 minutes back. Since then things have been rather sober, although today was nice with an afternoon bite to eat with the teachers to celebrate a colleague's 60th birthday, cracking. Weiter gehts!



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