Wednesday, May 02, 2007

To Freiburg and Beyond!

Well well well, what a surprise, as soon as the work kicks in, the blog gets neglected. Might as well pick up where I left off last time, that is to say my visit to Freiburg to see Tom back on 13th April. 7 hour train journey as I recall, it was also reasonably early, and me being the lazy arse I tend to be, I slept through the early parts of it. Took my laptop with the intention of doing work, but while I had had the presence of mind to pack the charger, I had forgotten the adapter for the different plug systems, typical! So instead of doing 7 hours work both ways, it was limited to 3 there and 3 back, but at least I got something done.

Freiburg is as nice as I remember it, also it was the weekend when the good weather really started here in Germany, I arrived in Freiburg in my jumper and jacket it was 26 degrees. Something about micro-climates, so Charlie and Tom told me. Friday night considered of a BBQ at one of the student halls with a load of Erasmus Students, nice evening, reminded me of how I do miss the student lifestyle from time to time.

Saturday was a nice walk through the Black Forest, didn't got off to the best of starts, because me and Tom kind of made everyone else miss the train, so we had to wait half an hour for the next one, I very cheekily shifted the blame onto Tom, when it was partly my fault (I still maintain only partially!). The walk through the Black Forest was nice (not the entire Forest you understand, just a part), the hot weather was new and enough of a novelty for it not to bother me when walking, being in the trees and therefore shaded may have had something to do with it.

Saturday was a quiet drink if I remember rightly, though the fact it is fading as a memory may mean it was more then that! Sunday went to Titisee (no jokes please, it is the name of a lake). We hired a motorboat and went out onto the lake and each had a go at driving the thing. I put the shits up everybody, by driving like a drunkard, zig-zaging and playing chicken with the tour boats. I had only had one, I knew what I was doing! I have a driving licence don't you know! The rest of the afternoon was spent bumbing around on the trams and eating schnitzel and drinking beer, not a bad end to a good weekend!



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