Friday, May 18, 2007

Since the beginnings of May

What a fun-dovey couple of weeks it's been. All starting with my first weekend off from uni work, also the first weekend of May, since well ages. Was a good weekend, spent largely in the sun. Out with Enrico on the Friday, at the football on the Saturday, and jazz and chilling on the Sunday. The footy was good especially, 3-1 win for Dynamo Dresden, although should have been 5-0, they missed to pens, and Wilhelmshaven were, frankly, awful, no wonder they're struggling at the bottom.

School has been going well recently, definately benefiting from not being under as much pressure with uni work. Been enjoying it, and doing some interesting lessons, also been good that the topic in Class 7 (London) fits very well with assistanty type lessons. Oh and the teachers are holding a BBQ in my honour on 23rd May to celebrate the imminent end of my work at the school, which is great, although it means I may miss the European Cup Final.

The following weekend was a trip to Munich with Louise and Enrico, more about that in another post! Since then I have been enjoying not having much to do this week, having only two days of school. Followed by a bank holiday yesterday (Ascension Day) and a day off today. Went with Louise and Enrico to exhibition which has a view of 18th century Dresden painted on a large canvassy thing, 360 degrees round in a large former gas meter. It really feels like you're at the top of the catholic Hofkirche in 1756! Then we went for coffee and cake, before going home. Me and Louise then went on a small pub crawl in the evening, well I say small, we went on til midnight!

Today was spent cleaning the kitchen, was going to do some work, but problems occurred when I found I had forgotten my pad at school, so nothing to write on, and by the time cleaning was done, too late to and buy more paper! Whoops!



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