Thursday, May 24, 2007

Goodbye BBQ

It was very much to my surprise that my mentor teacher said to me a a week or two ago that the teachers wanted to have a BBQ to celebrate my time at the school. Not because I think they all hate me or anything, but because I just wasn't expecting it. So on Wednesday (even though there's still some time at school left for me) after lessons, and the staff meeting afterwards, the BBQ was started. The school head make a speech, as he likes to do, I thanked the members of staff, and they then gave me pressies. I got a picture drawn by the art teacher that was signed by all the staff, a candle holder, and two books, one with pictures of Dresden, and one a funny book about the pisa study.

After that we started eating, all very yummy, especially the salads that had been made by some of the teachers. There was also drinking involved, with bubbly beer and wine all flowing. Later on one of the teachers did a small stand up thing about manners in rhyme, saying funny things in rhyme at such dos seems to be a bit of a tradition in Saxony, happened at Christmas as well. At the end of this bit, I got given more pressies in the shape of a rucksack with a hat, some beer and spirits, and a pen-knife in it! The evening wound down and Rita drove me home once everyone had tidied up. One of the best days at school, good weather also helped. Maybe I wasn't that bad after all....



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