Thursday, May 24, 2007


Rita invited me to play skittles this afternoon. Was mighty fun. After school I went with two pupils from her class to join her at the Kegeln bahn on the edge of Schmiedeberg. Not something I'd ever done before. Not like bowling. No holes in the balls, 9 pins instead of 10, and they're arranged in a diamond rather than a triangle. Also have to stand and throw it a certain way, aint all that easy.

So after a bit of practice for everyone, and me not totally missing all the time, we had a few games. First one, in teams of three, you had to hit a certain number of pins. At first it's easy, because you have to knock down all the different amounts, but once you've knocked 7 down once, you can't knock it down again, you have to knock a different number of pins down. Until you have knocked all the differing amounts down, all very fun!

The other game was you had to get the biggest number by having five goes, and placing the amount pins you knocked down in an order, so for example you knocked down 0 you'd put that last, if you knocked down 9 you'd put that first, other numbers you'd have to judge depending on how many goes you had, and whether you thought you'd better it.

Overall wasn't an easy game, and this isn't some chill-out hobby, they take it seriously do the Germans. With stretches and warm ups beforehand, with skipping rope and allsorts. Was really fun and interesting. Another good day all round!



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