Friday, May 25, 2007

The last day at school.........for Year 10!

It was with some trepidation that I decided to come early to school this morning. For 7am and the first lesson, instead of 8am and the second lesson as is usual for me on Fridays. I had been told at the BBQ on Wednesday that I had to come early, because it was the last day for class 10a, class 10b and class 9h. In Germany school only lasts until 16 years for Realschüler and until 15 for Hauptschüler, so the middle of the road pupils, and the the struggling pupils respectively.

I arrived on the bus in Schmiedeberg, and we (me and the pupils on the bus too school) already had a welcome party waiting for us. Members if class 10a and 10b were assembled at the bus stop with all manner of water guns and and super-soakers, as well as make up and hair spray. The middle door of the bus opened, (in Germany you get off in the middle and off at the front usually), and the poor kids immediately got soaked. I decided I wasn't going to make myself such an easy target and tried to sneak out of the front doors, a couple of clever pupils also followed. I was seen, and they opened fire, while also attempting to hair spray and lipstick me. I eventually got passed them and made a run for the teachers' entrance. Too late other members of class 10 had seen me and were already on an intercept course, and I got sprayed again.

Eventually getting inside school and to safety without being too wet or having too much hair spray on. I dumped my bag in the staff room and came back down. Some teachers were already there supervising. In some ways the pranks that were going on are similar to what happens in Britain, but here it is more allowed. Year 10 pupils are allowed to get the other pupils and teachers wet, and also have an allocated 2 lessons in which to plan fun and games. The pupils entrance had already been prepared for the in-coming pupils. There was a table blocking their way, and several girls from the leaving-classes ready with hair-spray and make-up. There was also a paddling pool they had to walk through, so they were guranteed to get wet, there was no escape! Pupils were not allowed into the classroom part of the school, once they had put their bags safely out of harm's way in the lockers, they had to go outside into the playground, where more members of the leaving-classes were waiting with super-soakers. Lambs to the slaughter, but all in good fun of course!

Once lesson time officially started the leaving-classes had organised a program. First up, different teachers were asked different questions which they didn't know the answer to, myself included, I didn't even get the english one that another teacher got and couldn't answer! Then was a relay obstacle course pupils against teachers. The first person had to run with an egg and spoon, the second person had to go there and back on a trike, the fourth had to run, jump a vault and come back with an apple in his mouth, while the fourth person had to throw a water balloon at a target. The first competition the teachers won, second up I was in the teachers team. I had to do the vaulting and apple carrying (in my case carrot carrying) third part. We were already behind before I started so I made a run for it, top speed at the vault. Prepared to jump Crash! I'd jumped into it and knocked it over, cue numerous laughs from alround. Still clueless as to exactly what had happened, I dunked my head in the bucket of water to get the carrot, but my head was too big and couldn't get it out, so I picked it up and put it in my gob and ran back, to laughs and applause.

After a quick carrot eating competition we had a bit of a sketch. Five teachers were taken, not me, and had to pretend to be pupils, while various pupils did impressions of the teachers. The funniest was the last, where David from 10b did a great impression. Everyone knew from the sandals, white socks and beige shorts that it was history teacher Karsten Tresp. His hilarious impression, right down to the talking about football was priceless, had everyone in stitches.

With this over, the show was done, and everyone went back inside for lessons while the leaving classes tidied up. Then in the middle of that following lesson, the leaving-classes marched through the school with loud horns and whistles throwing sweets into the classrooms. They came into the classroom I was in two or three times. They also came through asking for donations for their partying this evening, I donated a bit, although I'm sure it'll be spent on alcohol, nevermind. ;-) The following lesson the leaving-classes had form time, then they were gone, and exams notwithstanding, never to return to Mittelschule Schmiedeberg. In the near future I'll know how that feels.....



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