Monday, January 08, 2007

Strident Against Trident!

Ah the cool December air, not freezing but certainly enough to make your breath visible. I was in London to attend the Environment march in December 2005. On arrival in the square where we were meeting were crowds of people, mainly young, activists from all over the country. I got myself a small placard to hold up during the march, while I was doing this I looked round at the people present. "Strident against Trident" came the cry from a SWP stand, now I am not the world's biggest SWP fan, still not now, far from it. Strident against Trident!" and I remember thinking I do hope this march doesn't into a general left-wing shopping trolley of demands, because we really need to get the environmental message out today, thankfully it didn't. However, another thought also struck me, something needs to be done about that as well, we do indeed need to be Strident against Trident!

Fast forward to January 2007 and there are people who doing just that, at Faslane, for a whole year from 1st October 2006 to the 30th September 2007. Strident against Trident! Well these representatives were, and they today got arrested. I must say, I was rather shocked and appalled that our elected representatives are arrested like common criminals. But then I thought actually, since when has office ever been any gurantee of being treated more fairly or justly. And indeed why should it, politicians should not be above the law.

However, I would argue here that this is somewhat different to Silvio Berlusconi's latest scam (with or without Patricia Hewitt's husband) Jacques Chirac's bentness or the cash for honours scandal here in Britain. Because ladies and gentlemen, these MEPs, MSPs, AMs, MPs, councillors and other associated representatives, had done little or nothing wrong. They were taking part in a peaceful democratic process. In some ways it is somewhat heart warming to know that the few elected lefties that are knocking about, are treated no different to the rest of us, that is to say, as an inconvenience to be got rid of with the least fuss possible.

Now I (were I not in Germany this year) would be taking more of an interest in this, and I would possibly go at some point (indeed if it is possible, I may go after I come back from Germany). And yes there is the risk that I would get arrested, but I because I really don't think re-arming is the answer here, I would be tempted to do something about it. Yes there are those who say that we need Trident for defence and so forth, but let's look at this look at this honestly.

How many countries have nuclear weapons? A handful is the answer. Now granted North Korea might have them, as might Iran. However, I would argue that it is not a deterrent to those countries that we can strike back, because, if they are as much part of the Axis of Evil as George Bush claims, then they wont care about the destruction brought upon their own populations and just do it anyway. This argument is even stronger when used against the claim that we need to defend ourselves against terrorists. Because, let's be honest, if terrorists get their hands on some, they wont be worried about retaliation. Other developed countries such as Canada, Italy Germany and Spain manage just fine without nuclear weapons, so why do we need them? The cold war is finished, it's weaponry should be finished as well.

We should also not be arresting protesters, whatever their status, because of them "disturbing the peace", well that's the key isn't it, they're being inconvenient, so they are shut up. And it is the age old argument, you can protest, as long as it doesn't disturb anybody else. Well I am afraid if we're going to get politicians to listen and not make immoral, and unethical decisions at any point, we're going to have to (in a non-violent and peaceful way), leave the comfort zone, as well as breach the peace and be inconvenient a little more often.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year - Plans, Hopes and Resolutions

My last post tonight I promise!

Don't want to be too concrete here, but here are the things I would like to do this year:

While I am in Germany:
  • See Berlin again.
  • Visit Prague again.
  • See Munich for a second time.
  • Go to Leipzig.
  • See Heidelberg.
  • Walk in the Sachsiche Schweiz.
  • Go on the narrow gauge steam railway in Radebeul.
  • Go to Hamburg again.
  • Visit Kiel.
  • Go to Freiburg and the Black Forest.
  • Go to Vienna.
  • See Budapest.
  • Watch Dynamo Dresden more.
I wont do all of these but it's good to have plans.

During the summer:
  • Do some more inter-railing, hopefully in Scandinavia.
  • Go on a walking outdoorsy holiday in either Wales, Scotland or Ireland.
  • Move back to Brum.
  • Get a summer job.
  • Go to France.
Again I may not do all of these, but it is a start.

These are broad sweeping statements, but again don't want to set myself up for disappointment.
  • Do well in my Year Abroad Essays.
  • To continue to enjoy my work at the school.
  • To improve my diet and do more exercise.
  • To get to know more people here in Germany.
Right now for the painful bit what I specifically want to improve on and do.
  • To go swimming at least once a week.
  • To try out a new form of exercise during the year.
  • To spend a reasonable part of Thursdays (and some Sundays) on my Year Abroad Essays until they are done, as well as any time when I am feeling bored.
  • To worry less about every little thing that happens, to over analyse stuff less and chillax.
  • To be more patient and tolerant.
  • To procrastinate less, and spend less time on msn, facebook, as well as other net distractions, (whoops what am I doing on here!) .
  • To be more studious and organised with work.
  • To be less clumsy in actions and speech.
These are going to be hard, and yes some are specific while others more broad, but if I even do three or four to a satisfactory degree, then I'll be happy. Well that is now it from me tonight, Happy New Year everyone!


Review of 2006

Didn't get a chance to do this in the other two posts, cos well they were too damn long as it was. But here it is, in the best conventional tradition, my look back at 2006 and resolutions and looking forward to 2007.

2006 was all in all a very good year. For the first year since 2001 I did not attend the funeral of a classmate or family member (I was just really unlucky 2002-2005 in that respect). Granted things weren't always going perfectly during the early months, but as the second half of my second year at uni it was all in all pretty damn good. I had some wonderful times with P&P, the German Comedy night and numerous other things with friends and aquiantences . My second year of uni was definately the best acedemic year yet, and the 2006 part of that was what made it really good. The last 2 or 3 weeks in June after exams really stand out as high points!

I had a wonderful trip round Europe on the train, some smashing places were seen and cultures sampled. It is something I will definately do again. The rest of the summer were not the most productive I'll admit, but it was not all of my own doing, only being around for 6 weeks was always going to limit my job prospects among other things. My start in Germany was not easy, but it was interesting and enjoyable, and made easier by my fantastic mentor teacher.

So yeah all in all, more of the same next year please Julien!


My Return to Blighty and back again

Well as it happened my journey back to Britain wasn't all that bad. Granted it was 16 hours or so on the train, but nothing really went wrong, got all the connections, and travelling with Allison actually made it enjoyable. However, leaving home in Bannewitz at around 06:50, and arriving at home in Skem at around 23:30 is not for the faint hearted.

My first day back was spent meeting up with Phil Patterson in Wigan for a drink and a chat in the afternoon (I had a deserved lie-in in the morning), before going out for a meal with the Pabroldians for a meal that evening. The meal was good, we pretty much drank a bottle of wine each, and rounded off the night with three different double malt whiskeys, and then stumbling back to Kev Heaton's to play cards.

Christmas Eve was quiet, I relaxed and chilled, stayed at home so my parents actually saw me during the stay. Christmas Day was the usual rush of anticipation in the morning, followed by present-opening and Christmas Dinner before relaxing during the afternoon. I got some good stuff, jeans, shirt, gloves, money, books, all very nice and very useful! I was naturally very pleased. I think my parents enjoyed the stolen and wine I got them among other things. Watched tv that evening, and Christmas Day was also one of the few days last year when I did not go on the internet, yay me! I am not totally addicted! Strangely I didn't feel completely gorged and drunk, maybe I am learning moderation, yeah right! Boxing Day was also quiet although I did go Will Weingart's in the evening, for some hardcore gaming, apart from the fact we couldn't get Birth of the Federation to work.

Then followed my visit to Brum. It started badly, good job it didn't finish that way. I nearly missed the train, in fact had it not been a minute late, and a lot of people getting on, I would have missed it. Granted I was slightly unlucky that the ticket machine wouldn't work and that there was a queue at the ticket office, but that's no excuse, I stayed in bed an hour longer than I should have, hence the rush. Twas good to see Steven Becky and Chris, and trips to the Balti Triangle and a cafe, as well as Becky/Steven cooked food also went down a treat. Although watching Donnie Darko on DVD did freak me out a bit, although if a film doesn't make you think it's not really worth watching.

And then suddenly it was time to return to the north, I met up with the ex-Winstanley lot in the pub immediately after getting off the train, which was also good and fun. The next few days was spent with both brothers visiting with their famillies, was also good to see them, as well as another meet-up with Phil Patterson, this time accompanied with his other half back over from the states. Good to see him again and her, the best chips in the north (from Mr Chips in Wigan) were consumed, as was alcohol.

And then suddenly it was time to go again. Having to get up so early on the second day of the new year was painful but needs must. The train journey was ok, not too painful, thought it would be worse, was sure we'd miss a connection, they were all 20 minutes or 10 minutes, but no we managed it no problems.

My first day back at school was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be, both in terms of being back after Christmas, and also because tiredness having only slept 10 hours over 2 nights, but again was all good. Nice to see all the teachers again, much more relaxed after the Christmas break, and not as stressed out. (I wonder how long that will last ;-)) Today I went to my German language class, and then came back, and started doing some work for my History year Abroad Essay, it's about time!

And that pretty much brings us right up to date! Thank you to all those who made my Christmas stay so wonderful, despite it's brief nature, sorry to those I didn't manage to see much or at all, I will see you again at some point I promise! Apologies for the long-winded nature of this post, but there was lots to say! Toodle pip!


The run into Christmas

It's been such a long time since my last post, but what can I say I was a very busy bee before the christmas break, and during it in as well, so I will get right to it, and probably post this in multiple posts. Since my last post I did a number of things even before the holidays started, there were still two weeks to go at that point. My last full week at school before the holidays was also my first week with my new timetable in full swing. I was kept quite busy, doing more lessons, and doing more in each lesson meant more preparation, I was kept busy, but that's the way I like it.

If I thought the penultimate week was busy, the last week was even more jam-packed. It started with a trip up to Schleswig-Holstein to see Josh Miller, the old mucker that he is. The journey there and back was unremarkable, but the rest of the weekend was damn good. Living north of Hamburg took a little while, but was good to see him in the lovely town of Uetersen, having said that I didn't see much of it. Friday consisted of getting there, eating and drinking at his, then going out for a quick drink.

Saturday we went into Hamburg, met up with a few people he knows there, mainly English people on a year abroad like ourselves, good to see Alex McDermott again, and Josh only once caused major embarrassment to all present. We looked round some of Hamburg, and went on a ferry on the river, and were out on deck for the first part, even though it was über cold, That night we went to a party, and then out on the Raperbahn, the biggest red light district in Europe. And no before anybody asks, I didn't get a prostitute or go to a strip club, we just went to a cheesy club. I then travelled home very sleepily on the Sunday.

The last school week followed with copious Christmas lessons, me taking lessons on my own, and generally doing loads (or so it seemed). Social engagements were also numerous. Drink with my housemate on Monday, Tuesday meeting of language assistants at the Regionalschulamt (where I learnt I may be teaching teachers on the side this term, could have told me earlier! I know I said I would like to like!).

Wednesday was brilliant, after school finished I hung around before the start of the teachers' end of year do. We started by having a visit of the watch/clock museum in Glashütte, before having Kaffee and Küchen, and then going for our meal. Secret Santa gifts were distributed, by Father Christmas (or should that be Mother Christmas, seeing as it was obviously a female). I gave my scret person a teapot with the underneathy bit to keep it warm. I got a t-shirt of the school from all the staff, a DVD from my mentor teacher, as well as a box of gifts from my secret santa, who I learnt was the dinner lady, it included deoderant, chocolate, a Dynamo Dresden t-shirt and a calender. I was a very lucky and grateful boy.

Thursday I chilled, then went Christmas shopping, bought 4 kilos of Stolen, Liebkuchen, wine and beer to take back. I then met up with some mates from German language class for drinks at a flat, just the four of us. I then went to bed very late after packing, but still managed to get up in time to get the bus to the train station. But the journey home is another story....
